Set the visible region, by explicit chromLoc string, or by named features in any curently loaded annotation tracks
Set the visible region, by explicit chromLoc string, or by named features in any curently loaded annotation tracks
- obj
An object of class igvR
- region
A genomic location (rendered "chr5:9,234,343-9,236,000" or as a list: list(chrom="chr9", start=9234343, end=9236000)) or a labeled annotation in a searchable track, often a gene symbol, eg "MEF2C"
igv <- igvR()
setGenome(igv, "hg38")
showGenomicRegion(igv, "MEF2C")
x <- getGenomicRegion(igv)
# zoom out 2kb
showGenomicRegion(igv, with(x, sprintf("%s:%d-%d", chrom, start-1000, end+1000)))