Constructor for igvAnnotationTrack
Constructor for igvAnnotationTrack
- trackName
A character string, used as track label by igv, we recommend unique names per track.
- annotation
An opague type, currently either a data.frame, GRanges, or UCSCBed object from rtracklayer.
- fileFormat
Only "bed" is currently supported.
- color
A CSS color name (e.g., "red" or "#FF0000")
- displayMode
- sourceType
Only "file" sources are currently supported.
- trackHeight
track height, typically in range 20 (for annotations) and up to 1000 (for large sample vcf files)
- expandedRowHeight
Height of each row of features in "EXPANDED" mode.
- squishedRowHeight
Height of each row of features in "SQUISHED" mode, for compact viewing.
- maxRows
of features to display
- searchable
If TRUE, labels on annotation elements may be used in search
- visibilityWindow
Maximum window size in base pairs for which indexed annotations or variants are displayed. Defaults: 1 MB for variants, whole chromosome for other track types.