Constructor for QuantitativeTrack
creates an IGV
track for genomic tracks in which a numerical value is
associated with each reported location.
fileFormat = c("wig", "bigWig", "bedGraph"),
color = "gray",
sourceType = "file",
autoscale = TRUE,
min = NA_real_,
max = NA_real_,
visibilityWindow = 1e+05
- trackName
A character string, used as track label by igv, we recommend unique names per track.
- quantitativeData
A polyvalent object, either a data.frame, GRanges, or UCSCBedGraphQuantitative object
- fileFormat
only "bedGraph" supported at present; wig and bigWig support soon.
- color
A CSS color name (e.g., "red" or "#FF0000")
- sourceType
only "file" supported at present ("gcs" for Google Cloud Storage, and "ga4gh" for the Global Alliance API may come)
- autoscale
Autoscale track to maximum value in view
- min
Sets the minimum value for the data (y-axis) scale. Usually zero.
- max
Sets the maximum value for the data (y-axis) scale. This value is ignored if autoscale is TRUE
- visibilityWindow
Maximum window size in base pairs for which indexed annotations or variants are displayed. Defaults: 1 MB for variants, whole chromosome for other track types.